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How to Add Binance Smart Chain, BEP-20 / ERC-20 Token, Binance Chain Wallet, Polygen Mainnet , Solana and TSA

Step 1: Download and Install Metamask

  1. Click here to download and install Metamask. It is available for Chrome, iOS and Android.

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Step 2: Add Binance Smart Chain (BSC Chain)

  1. Connect wallet and link  , add BSC to your wallet  or manully add it as following:

  1. Click on the default "Ethereum Mainnet" and select "Custom RPC" 

  2. Enter the following information to add Binance Smart Chain and click "Save"

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain


Chain ID: 56

Currency Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

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Step 3A: Add BEP-20 Token (BEP-20)

  1. Select "Binance Smart Chain" Network scroll down and click "Add Token"

  2. Under "Custom Token" enter below Token Contract Address and click "Next"

TSA Token Contract Address: 0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b


iCASH Token Contract Address:



Shih Tzu (Shih) Token Contract Address:



CaoJunNFT ( CJAI) Token Contract Address: 0x26c1a317c4cdea9408bf9a82b4c7645bffdfea21


XTinc.T (XCoin )Token Contract Address



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Step 3B: Add TSA,  iCASH, CJAI Token (ERC-20) ETH  Chain

  1. Select "Ethereum Mainnet " Network scroll down and click "Add Token"

  2. Under "Custom Token" enter below Token Contract Address and click "Next"

TSA Token Contract Address: 0x703d8574e19428d662a73c301d106dc236aa9bfc


iCASH Token Contract Address:



CaoJunNFT ( CJAI) Token Contract Address: 0x0222cd708abe35f21a53cd6777e987e76084864b


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Step 4: Download and Install Binance Chain Wallet

  1. Click here to download and install Binance Chain Wallet. It is available for Chrome and Firefox.

  2. Create an account in extension by clicking on “I do not own a wallet”

  3. After you finished setting up your account, backup your recovery phrase

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Step 5:  For Mobile user | Set Up and Use Trust Wallet or TokenPocket for Binance Smart Chain

  1. Download Trust Wallet from (  Appstore, Google Play and Android ) . If you already have Trust Wallet, make sure your app is up to date. 

  2. Complete basic setup of a multi-coin wallet. Remember to save your backup phrases.

  3. Go to Settings (bottom right), Select Wallets and add your wallet using "+"

  4. Select "I already have a wallet" and pick "Smart Chain" 

  5. Import your Binance Smart Chain wallet either using phrase, keystone json, private key or address

  6. You can go to your Binance Smart  Chain Network wallet and press receive to find your address.

  7. Deposit BEP-20 assets to your wallet.

  8. The easiest way to do this is with Binance. Choose an asset on Binance that supports BEP-20 withdrawals and withdraw to your Trust Wallet Binance Smart Chain address.

  9. Keep in mind that BNB is required to make any transactions on Binance Smart Chain.


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Step 6:  Using Binance Smart Chain Dapps

  1. iOS users will need the Dapp browser, which you can get by following this guide. Android users have the Dapp browser by default

  2. Once you’ve topped up your wallet, open the Dapp browser by pressing on the four squares at the bottom of the app

  3. Navigate to a Binance Smart Chain Dapp like BakerySwap or TeaSwap

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Note 1 : Add Polygen Mainnet , Solana and TSA


Network Name: Polygon Mainnet


Chain ID: 137

Currency Symbol: Matic

Block Explorer URL:


TSA Token Contract Address: 0x5f99acf13caff815dd9cb4a415c0fb34e9f4545b

XCoin Address:: 0x594Bca8bfd8Fd3CA75C7B06bc41D2dc498bf6ee0


Receving TSA from Solana Blockchain

TSA Token Contract Address: HVNQkX1zzBCoNstQ6erUf6fChGopbjUWdBiyzqUNdPA9

Phantom Wallet:


Install Coinbase wallet


Step 7:

Click on the default "Ethereum Mainnet" and select "Custom RPC"  add info below

Network Name: ETHW-mainnet


Chain ID: 10001

Currency Symbol: ETHW

Block Explorer URL(Optional):









TSA Bitcoin Shop Opening


Blockchain Event



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